Join Our Annual Campaign

Help preserve our natural resource year-round

Support the tCA

Friends of Turtle Creek,

Today, we launch our Annual Campaign to raise funds for preserving and enhancing our beautiful Turtle Creek and its surrounding corridor.


It's been a transformative year for the Turtle Creek Association. Aligned with our master plan, we have significantly expanded our services to serve our community and environment better. Our efforts this year included clearing extensive areas of brush and undergrowth, initiating the eradication of the invasive Chinese Privet, and improving the manual cleaning efforts along Turtle Creek.


Our dedicated teams have diligently maintained well-trimmed banks and effectively removed organic debris and trash trapped under the bridges. Moreover, we've made significant strides in remediating graffiti along the Turtle Creek Trail and have supported the city's recovery following two severe storms. With your continued support, we aim to expand further our efforts along the creek's waterway and throughout the corridor in 2025. Our goal for this campaign is to raise $70,000.

Every donation brings us closer to achieving a more beautiful, sustainable environment for everyone who cherishes Turtle Creek. Let's renew our commitment to this precious resource as we forge ahead.

Please consider making a gift today to help us reach our ambitious goal. Your support is crucial in keeping our mission thriving.


Click above to monitor our progress to hitting our $70,000 goal.