Revitalizing Our Green Haven: A Refreshing Transformation Unfolds!

We're thrilled to share the exciting news about the ongoing landscape refresh taking place in our beloved neighborhood, all thanks to your incredible support and the hard work of our dedicated vendor, Legacy Landscaping.

Over the past weeks, Legacy Landscaping has been tirelessly working to ensure that every corner of our community looks its absolute best for the upcoming Gala and Tour of Homes. Last week, a comprehensive inspection of our irrigation system was conducted, leading to several adjustments that will enhance the efficiency of our watering process. Fresh new landscaping and mulch have been lovingly laid down, breathing new life into our surroundings.

As we move into this week, please keep your eyes peeled for vibrant bursts of seasonal color adorning our hanging baskets and containers. Additionally, the corridor will soon be graced with the charm of pumpkins, adding a touch of autumnal magic to our landscape. We strategically waited for the cooler weather before installing these pumpkins, and we're keeping our fingers crossed that they'll stay put and not disappear like last year.

We want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to each of you. Your generous donations have made this refreshing transformation possible. Without your unwavering support, our neighborhood wouldn't be as vibrant and welcoming as it is today.


In Loving Memory of Eddie Bernice Johnson


Impacts of Extreme Heat on Landscapes Along Turtle Creek Blvd: A Concern for Conservation